Writing Quality and Informative Content to help boost your SEO campaign

Creating the ideal website that's visually appealing with expert copy writing, fluent coding and an overall user-friendly experience maybe the goal to strive towards. What's imperative to never overlook will be the quality and consistency of your writing. This article will analyse exactly how descriptive text can work online for your business to be fully successful from its SEO (Search engine optimisation) campaign. All together a web site with an impressive visual presence, fast loading speed, flashy images that's updated regularly will increase the chances of a user-friendly experience to remember that is more likely to return.

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Writing for quality Information

"It does what it says on the tin"

However, a very important point that is not to be overlooked. Text that is on your website is written for a reason

  • "Make sales by providing information to your viewers that they need."
  • "Highlight any information that they will come across when they search online and reach your website."

This further highlights the relationship with your chosen keywords and terms.

Below is a classic example of one of our clients who uses their website to its maximum potential


This flamboyant, classic website design for Celia Sawyer uses a clear writing style, with definitive precise information. This alone certainly helped with the web sites SEO rankings, as well as being clear and precise letting visitors know exactly what Celia does as well as what the site offers:

  • Image writing
  • While the Old saying goes "A picture can speak a thousand words"
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However, in the modern 21st century world a picture will initially draw attention however alone stands as very limited and wasted potential. In simple terms a house for sale via an estate agent will be more descriptive and receive a higher hit ratio with a price tag superimposed. The ability to unite images and graphics effectively can-do wonders for your SEO.

SEO (Search engine optimisation)

The leading search engine - Google by its nature scans websites to read their content and draw the conclusion of where they should rank on the results pages we are all so used to.

Important to note that Google will read your text however they will not watch your videos, scroll through your nice galleries and base its decision there. For an SEO campaign to be successful and take full advantage of your web sites potential it is of high importance to choose correctly the key words and terms that will benefit your business and Google ranking the most.

The implementation of your text is vital, whether they're embedded within your web sites pages, headlines, URLSs, or within the images alternative text fields. These can be placed in text within the bodies of your web-pages, in their headers, headlines, URLs, meta descriptions and even in the alternate text fields of images. Implementing the text correctly is vital for optimising your website SEO (Search engine optimisation).

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Writing for followers

In conjunction with the above listed, gaining a following to your web site can have several advantages. There is a high chance your web site is linked to social media platforms, if it isn't then it certainly should be. Engaging with your audience helps boost a following, based on quality information, varied high quality content will ultimately increase your numbers of visitors to your site. Whether they're gaining further knowledge from you, insider information of the industry you are in, or simply helpful insightful hints and tips that you as an individual/expert or business can provide.

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